37:24.92N 23:07.87E Koiladhia

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Sun 14 Oct 2012 10:17

37:24.92N    23:07.87E    Koiladhia


Sunday, 7th October, 2012.


We had a marvellous 12 mile sail from Porto Kheli to Koiladhia on a beautiful clear sunny morning.  We spotted at the entrance a lonely turtle swimming around but it dived down as soon as it saw us.  In the entrance of Koiladhia is the Island of Koiladhia which is owned by a shipping magnate and you have the pleasure of passing either side of the island to gain access to the harbour.


The island has its own harbour with a beautiful gentleman’s motor boat, several houses around the island and the boat house which looks like a castle.  For someone who has everything a wonderful place to be on your own as the scenery is wonderful.   Electricity and water has been made available for the island.


We were just checking with the boat yard on the date for our lift and saying goodbye to some very nice Irish people we had met in Idhra two or three weeks ago and had travelled with on and off some of the time.


They showed us the most beautiful sandy beach where we swam.  It took us half an hour to walk up the hill and down the other side to the beach and even longer to walk back to where we had left the dinghy.  It was worth the extra effort.


We all met up later at the best pizza restaurant in town for our last meal together before going our own ways.

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