46:09.275N 001:09.040W La Rochelle Part 2

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Fri 26 Jun 2009 16:05

46:09.275N 001:09.040W     La Rochelle  Part 2


15th June, 2009.


We were up bright and early cleaning Ariel as this was the day Jackie and Mark were flying in from England to join us on our trip until the end of August.  We managed to keep ourselves busy until the afternoon when we made our way by bus to the airport which is about 20 minutes outside of town.  After their long journey from Australia two weeks earlier and the airport checks etc. coming into La Rochelle was very simple.  The only plane of the afternoon stopped just outside the windows where we were all standing watching for passengers behind the glass.  What a great reunion we had less than 10 minutes later and ended the day with a very nice restaurant meal on the harbour side.

Unfortunately, they were not so happy as the customs had taken off them a bottle of whiskey and a very known make of Australian rum !!!!

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