Badalona time to move on

Goodbye Barcelona and Badalona
Well after leaving Epsom on 7.4.10 and driving down to Badalona across France we arrived back at Ariel of Hamble in the boatyard at Badalona on 9.4.10.
On 10.4.10 we started stripping and sanding off the remaining anitfoul and primer off of the hull of Ariel. This was to prepare the hull to put Coppercoat antifoul on the hull. It took 6 long hard days to achieve this. On Friday 16.4.10 we had a day off and drove off into the mountains for the day and visited Montserrat. A beautiful place, in beautiful weather. The cathedral there is one of the best we have ever seen and the views and scenery stunning.
We returned to the boat yard on Saturday 17.4.10 and spent the day in final preparation on the hull before the coppercoating. Sunday was the big day and with the kind help of another boat owner, John from New Zealand, we started at 9am to apply the coppercoat. What a slog it was, 9 hours not stop and 4 coats of coppercoat was applied. On Wednesday 21.4.10 Graham finally arrived on the first EasyJet plane out of Gatwick after the volcanic ash cloud problem from Iceland. Graham helped for 2 days in the boatyard with the hull polishing and other jobs. Then relaunch day arrived and we went back in the water on 23.4.10. All was OK and no problems, the engine fired up at the touch of the key. More jobs done once we were back afloat to recommission the boat, clean and wash the grubby boat, fit the sails back on, fit new cockpit hi fi speakers, fit the pasarela ( stern boarding platform ) fit a new combined deck and steaming light up the mast.
Work done we all spent the day sight seeing in Barcelona and the next day sailing in a lovely breeze off the coast of Barcelona and tried some fishing/trolling without success.
On 27.4.10 Valerie’s birthday, Graham headed off in the little white car to drive it home and to see his friend Ben in Chamonix to do some skiing and climbing on the way.