37:40.79N 23:09.13E Nea Epidaurus

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Wed 1 Oct 2014 10:21

Thursday 25th September, 2014.


We decided we would move to the next bay which is Nea Ephidarus.   The nine miles soon passed with Ariel rocking and rolling doing 7 and 8 knots.  Jim was concerned about the little harbour and once there we could see that the EC had helped build a new wall with lovely shiny rings and with very few boats in sight we were able to stern too and pick up a lazy line.  The wind blew the other side of the rock wall protecting the harbour but we were very safe with the current wind angle tied up on the wall.


Everywhere is packed up for the winter as officially Greece is now in the winter period so it was just a choice of four or five restaurants for drinks and dinner.  Luckily we choose the Hotel Avra and what a lovely family restaurant it turned out to be with great meals.  We had to stay longer than we had wished but Martina from the Hotel lent us her car as there was no local car hire business so we could go to the site of Epidaurus about 40 km away as Sue and Frank had not been there.


On the way we passed lots of bike riders who were racing from Ephidarus old town to the ancient site. It was well marshalled as the riders cycled up through the mountains.  There didn’t appear to be any straight pieces of road without any climbing!


As the bike race ended at the ancient city the entrance fee was waivered for the day so we saved 18 euro’s.  We left as they were getting ready to present the medals.


Frank and Sue both enjoyed the ancient city.  The theatre and museum were interesting.


The car enjoyed the ride back all the way down hill!  We stopped in Epidaurus on the way back to Ariel and were treated to a get display of vintage cars.  

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