47:44.620N 03:21.398W
47:44.620N 03:21.398W Lorient by ferry to Port Louis
On Sunday 31st May we packed a picnic and took our bikes on the ferry to Port Louis across the river. The Port Louis marina is closed at present for repair works and we wished to visit the Citidel at the mouth of the river. The Citidel is a 18th century walled town with several excellent museums in a nautical theme. We spent a lot of time looking at the items which have been retrieved from the sea such as the huge cannons and many pieces of china. There is a whole wing of the large house given over to the sea rescue services which we both enjoyed and hoped we would never be in the situation to need them. It was an excellent day for visibility and we could see for miles from the parapets of this very large castle. Well worth the visit.
We rode our bikes along the country roads and admired some very lovely property on the way to Pen-Mane to wait for the ferry back.