43:25.732N 03:48.460W Santander Part 4

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Thu 2 Jul 2009 08:06

43:25.732N 03:48.460W     Santander Part 4


27th June, 2009.


We returned the hire car back to Santander, safe and sound.  Of course, being Saturday and the markets are big at weekends we made straight for the fish market.  There is so much choice from all the usual like hake, tuna, and mackerel etc. etc. and some Jim has never seen before.  We all voted for tuna and at dinner time we were not disappointed.  We bought two large slices which the fish monger cut straight off the fish for us and had half each.  See the picture.

Cycling in Spain is very popular and we were treated to a race finishing in the main street of Santander.  There was huge support from companies like Ford being one of the sponsors. 

We wandered after lunch along the harbour wall being treated to the Spanish families out in their best clothes.  Santander is definitely a place where dressing up to go out is very popular.  Babies and small children wear beautiful clothing which we don’t see in our shops.

We caught the packed bus back to the marina.  At our stop by the park area most people got off with their B-B-Q equipment to join the hundreds who had gathered while we had been out.  It was great to see so many families enjoying themselves.

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