41:26.147N 02:14.590E Badalona
41:26.147N 02:14.590E Badalona
A short voyage from the marina in the centre of Barcelona, along the coast to a new marina that has space to store Ariel of Hamble during the winter weather.
( Last year on Boxing Day they had a storm of Force 10 in wind strength)
A lots of miles have been covered and a lot of places have been seen and it is a shame that because of winter weather things come to a halt for a while. I have a few maintenance jobs to do and some additions and changes to the boat’s equipment that will keep me amused. The boat has performed really well in many varied and testing conditions and kept us safe for over 3,000 miles of sailing.
The travels will resume in late April or early May and until then we have to join the local Spanish in their way of life. The weather is still really quite warm during the day with blue sky and sunshine. The temperature at midday to 1pm usually in a sheltered spot can go over 20 deg. C.
A trip is planned to visit Madrid and check out the culture and history of the capital city.