37:23.15N 23:14.95E Emioni

37:23.15N 23:14.95E Emioni
Tuesday, 2nd October, 2012.
We left the anchorage around five to ten and passed by Poros town on the left shore and Galatas on our right on our way out to the Idhras Channel. We are staying around the area now as it is close to where Ariel will spend the winter months.
We sailed, we motored and we sailed again as the wind was all over the place or nonexistent but we are learning to live with this. At present the sun shines every day and the water temperature is still in the mid twenties and life is very pleasant.
On our way we past a very small island which looked to us like a lizard.
Five hours and nineteen miles later we were tied up on the quay of Emioni which is a very pretty little town. There is a park on the peninsular as you come into the harbour where we went and found a small beach on the other side overlooking Idhra and small islands.