37:24.97N 23:07.97E Kilida

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Wed 15 Jul 2015 07:16



Wednesday 1st July, 2015.


After two nights on the quay at Ermioni with Mari, Brian, Tricia and Clive we left for Kilida to have the boat lifted on Friday 3rd July.  We were pleased we had taken note of the weather forecast as our friends had metre waves on the quay after we left and it was very uncomfortable.  As soon as they could they left the harbour and motored around to the south side and moored on the quay by the tavernas’ having a very quiet time.


We had a great sail covering 22.5 miles and it was mostly sailing.  We did enjoy seeing the bay ago as it represents a very laid back beautiful area in Greece.  No one was happy about the Sunday vote regarding the state of the financial mess Greece was in as the banks had already been closed for a week.  Will they leave the Eurozone or not?  Hopefully Ariel is safe.


We took off the sails and generally made sure everything was done in advance of the lift as it gets very hot in the yard with the sun beating down on you as you potter doing everything necessary.  Jim cleaned up two buoys in order for Tricia and Clive would use one of them a week later and perhaps Mari and Brian to check out the yard for another year.


The lift went well and the chaps fussed over Ariel to get it just right for work on the underside of the keel to be done while we are away. 


We met up with our friends for one more splendid meal in Ermioni before our flight the next day.  We did manage one last swim at the very sandy and warm water beach near the boat yard. England is not going to be this warm.The hire car was a little under powered but it got us there after a leisurely lunch on the way to kill some time as we were ahead of schedule. 

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