37:34.07N 22:47.91E Navplion
37:34.07N 22:47.91E Navplion
Monday, 8th October, 2012.
With all our questions answered by the boatyard we were just leaving the bay of Koiladhia for Navplion when Jim spotted a single dolphin swimming in the bay. It was not interested in us only fishing for his breakfast.
It was a lovely bright sunny day with wind all the way as we passed by Ipsill Island, Platia Island and Tolo Island before we reached the bay of Navplion. The strength of the wind in the last 30 minutes of our sail steadily rose and we were roaring along. As we passed the point of Panayitsa and the fortress of Palamidi which overlooks the town we quickly dropped the sails and got ready with the fenders and lines for the wall at Navplion. As we lined up for the safe channel in we passed the fort on Bourtzi Island which looks very impressive especially at night. The island fortress was built in Venetian time and up until 1930 was the local executioner’s residence. It also defended the only navigable passage into the bay and could close it by pulling a chain across the entrance from the fort to the town.
We passed two churches on our way along the coast which were a little extra special. The first was built low down by the water’s edge on a huge barren island with steps to the sea probably for fishermen and the other was on top of the mountain at Asini. Why they would build a church so high up on top of the mountain we can not understand.
We had only seen one boat the whole morning so were not surprised to see the harbour wall was empty and we could moor along side.
After a quick tidy up we went off to investigate the town and of course Jim found the Italian ice-cream shop which had to be our first stop! The town is mostly 18th and 19th century with two and three storey apartments. Some of the stone buildings have great bougainvillea or clematis growing over their walls. The streets are narrow with cobbles with shops and tavernas everywhere. Navplion was briefly the capital before Athens was chosen and they lost the title.