Peace at Anchor in Kilda

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Wed 22 May 2013 15:10

Tuesday 22nd May, 2013.


We left the launching dock before the first boat of the day to be launched was in sight and motored out into the bay and picked up a local buoy.  We spent the day quietly completing our tasks. The first thing was to put up the front sail while there was no wind.  In the afternoon Jim rebuilt the Aero Gen and wired it up after disappearing in the back locker and was very pleased to see amps going into the system. Another successful task completed over the winter with Jonathan and Graham’s help.


We both swam around mid day and were delighted it was very warm and not a sign of a shiver as we got in.


After dinner it was the turn for the main sail to be unpacked from its winter bag and be in its rightful place for the summer. By the time we finished the sun had gone down and we were in darkness.

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