Ascension Island to the Azores Day 16 – News from the catering department

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Tue 7 Mar 2017 05:07
21:03.12 N 031:50.97 W
2359 (UTC) Monday 06 March 2017
Distance run in 24hrs
150nm over the ground, 148nm through the water
Passage total 2,145nm over
the ground, 2,062nm through the water
Distance to go
1,051nm Note the change from yesterday.
This is the direct distance and not the distance that will be travelled
Planned distance Ascension to the Azores west around the
high 3,666nm
We have again had a good day's sailing both in distance covered and
direction as we haul ourselves towards the east in anticipation of the major
changes in the weather systems between our position and the Azores. With
the assistance of Alex, who is advising on our weather routing, we have decided
not to try and round the western end of the Azores High as inconveniently it is
not there at the moment. Over the next 48 hours we expect the weather to
fall apart, becoming unsettled, and look forward to a period of motoring and
heading more east in order to miss higher head winds and swell that are expected
the direct line course. Fun to come!
We are now nearly seven weeks out of Cape Town and four weeks out of St
Helena. Due to Elizabeth's highly developed conservation skills we still
have a supply of fresh cabbage, cauliflower, onions, peppers, potatoes, sweet
potatoes, carrots, citrus fruits and apples. The last Cape tomatoes were
eaten two days ago but we still have a supply of tomatoes, bought green in St
Helena; about the only fresh item other than lettuce available on the
island. To be clear conservation refers to keeping edible and not to
defending them from the marauding crew.
Another 20 degree galley shot but with the Mate's latest
Malt Loaf displayed. An entry for the Great Mid-Atlantic Bake Off
Elizabeth won as no one else turned up - funny