Phi Phi Li for a busy sunset

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Fri 8 Jan 2016 18:05
Position 07:40.84 N 098:45.87 E Date 18:05 (UTC+7) Friday 8 January 2016 Distance run 17.4nm over the ground from Ko Ha Yai and 28.8 for the day Phi Phi Li, “famous” as the location where some of the Leonardo di Caprio movie “The Beach” was filmed gets invaded by hundreds of tourists a day. We arrived just after 1800 when most of the boats had departed leaving a mooring buoy free and time to enjoy the sunset. We were last here on 24 December 2004 two days before the Boxing Day Tsunami. The Beach looking positively empty Sunset from Caduceus through the anchored tour boats |