Peros Banhos - An update on the anchorages
Date Saturday 23 April 2016 The previous diary entry showed the designated anchorage areas for the Peros Banhos Atoll. These were taken from the document titled “ORDINANCE 6 OF 2006 - VISITORS AND VISTING VESSELS ORDINANCE 2006” issued with our BIOT cruising permit. I have subsequently found an updated version of these areas in the BIOT document “Guidance for Vistors” and these are shown on the following two charts. They make a lot more sense than the original areas which were more suited to anchoring a warship. The anchorage at Ile Diamant. The designated anchorage area is to the North West of a line joining the two black circles The anchorages at Ile Coin and Ile Fouchaut South West and South respectively of lines joining the black circles Correction - A sand bank does not join Ile Coin to Ile Anglais at low water. |