Marina Fort St Louis, Marigot, St Martin

2359 – 7 April 2011 We had a good gentle sail around the north east corner of A call to Caraibes Diesel produced two engineers within the hour and
they found the remaining cause of our overheating in under 15 minutes. We
have an additional oil cooler in between the salt water intake and the engine
water pump, cooling the gearbox. It was completely blocked – all of
the other areas that I had found will have helped but this was the main
underlying cause. I knew that the end solution might be easy; next time I
will know where to look first. On that front we await a replacement
thermostat, due Monday, which is being flown in from In the evening Thank you both for this,
it was greatly appreciated. And now for the record a team photocall in
our latest coloured shirts: The fifth member in the
Chef’s hat is not joining us! |