A foreshortened stay in Baie d'Avea and a passage to Tahaha
Position 16:38.19S 151:29.25W Date 1635 (UTC -10) Sunday 4 May 2014 Distance run – 34nm over the ground, 34nm through the water Having recovered in Baie Haapu we made our way inside the reef further south to Baie d’Avea, which is as far as a deep keeled boat can go (see chart insert in the previous entry) Baie d’Avea was delightful with a sandy beach, azure water and great shelter from the reef. It tempted us to get the inflatable stand up paddle boards out for the first time since the Bahamas in January. In near ideal times two beginners made great progress. We would have stayed longer in Huahine but the weather forecast looked decidedly off if we delayed the passage to Tahaha so with some regret we bailed out and with the wind rather too fine off the bow we motor sailed ahead of the worsening weather across to Tahaha. Other Rally boats were anchored just north of the Passe Toahutu and whilst this looked a great spot in the clam conditions the weather forecast dictated taking the better option of the top of the deep bay opposite, off the town of Haamene. Baie Haamene looking north west with Amel 64 Tulasi anchored about a mile short of the town which is hidden behind the headland |