Southbound Day 3 - Scituate in lieu of shopping

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Mon 3 Sep 2012 15:30
Date 1630 Monday 3 September 2012 Shopping was the treat for the afternoon but we, or I, were saved from that
fate by receipt of an email from Richard and Joan Miller on their Willard 40
motor yacht ‘Adria’ who were heading for Scituate about 28 nm and
just south of Boston on the route to the Cape Cod Canal. We met and last saw Richard and Joan during our extended stay in
Frenchboro. So at 1215 we raised a well dug in anchor and headed off to motor sail to
Scituate where we took a yacht club mooring, organised by Richard, at 1630. There followed a very pleasant cocktail hour on ‘Adria’ and
courtesy of the yacht club launch a dry trip ashore to an excellent dockside restaurant
for dinner. |