A visit to a Cheetah Sanctuary and the St Lucia Wetlands
Date Thursday 24 November 2016 Today’s trip took in a Wild Cat and Cheetah Sanctuary where cats are rescued and there is a breeding program aiming at reintroducing cats back to the wild wherever possible. It may look like your average moggy but it certainly is not – an African Wild Cat OK, so you don’t want to pose for a photograph – a caracal at rest – not to be trifled with This splendid specimen is a serval, a highly developed killing machine Granny what big teeth you have – a young cheetah And the same fine animal showing where its speed comes from And next to the St Lucia Wetlands, Hippo heaven Hippos form family groups that can be very large, in every sense of the word A mother with calf – keep clear – taken with a tele photo lens Time for bed said Zebedee, or perhaps not |