Caduceus is Swahili for Boomerang
Date 1515
Wednesday 11 July 2012 According to Gary Caduceus means Boomerang in Swahili.
Notwithstanding the fact that we keep pitching up at their dock they seem
pleased to see us. Perhaps it is the excitement of not knowing if we will
demolish the dock boxes ( hit with anchors during 65knot gusts during our first
visit in ay 2011) or whether our bow thruster will fail. The sail from Fishing Bay was one of those days that you remember, a
steady 15 to 18 knots on the beam giving a fast reach with no sea and a
favourable current giving hourly run distances between 8 and 9 nm. The entry into We eased gently backwards into our berth at 1515 to keep the anchors
well away from the new dock boxes. The remainder of the week were spent provisioning, a monster shop on
Friday, taking advantage of a reliable WiFi link and generally getting ready
for a Sunday departure for We are told that this is cool week compared with last week. Daily
temperatures in the 90’s are however not that to which we are used!
Head north for the cool. |