Ascension Island to the Azores Day 20 – Refuelling at sea - mission accomplished - and a communications update
Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Sat 11 Mar 2017 04:56
24:52.09 N 024:29.15 W
2359 (UTC) Friday 10 March 2017
in 24hrs 136nm over the ground, 139nm through the water
2,701nm over the ground, 2,620nm through the water
Distance to go
974nm This now represents the updated forecast
route that we are likely to
travel to the destination
Planned distance Ascension to the
Azores west around the high 3,666nm
During the day we took the opportunity of some straight and level motoring
to put the 115 litres of fuel being carried in containers on deck into the main
fuel tank, thus topping is up to 550 litres, full is 900 litres. This job
has become much easier since acquiring a 24 volt in line pump to transfer the
diesel. Compared with the pouring into a funnel that occurred whilst
rolling at anchor off Kupang, Indonesia, this was a doddle and n'aer a drop was
spilt, nor did I end up wearing it. A definite recommendation, even if you
only use it once. Another time I would also carry a separate pump for
transferring water.
I have been asked to comment on what we are using for communications.
We maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 16 and this is what we use to
communicate with ships that we encounter along the way. We have HF Single
Side Band, SSB, and have used that for yacht to yacht nets when we have been in
range of other boats and have a schedule. I have never been convinced that
our installation works as well as it should but as we do not use the SSB for
weather or email there has been little enthusiasm to do anything about it.
Another time I think that I would invest in a Pactor Modem and work email over
SSB as a stand by system for our main means of communications at sea, the
Inmarsat satellite system..
When we commissioned Caduceus in 2007 we fitted a fixed Iridium
station. This worked well but was slow for email and the pre paid billing
regime was inflexible with no carry forward for unused units. When
refitting before leaving in 2010 we upgraded to an Inmarsat 150 system for voice
and data. Inmarsat have subsequently changed their monthly billing rates
on an annual basis and it is now much more expensive than when we started
off. However, it works, has proven reliable and works email at a
reasonable speed. Whilst this system could provide internet access, the
cost of data prohibits that usage. A good and relatively fast link for
email has proven very important especially since leaving Cape Town as we have
seen considerable voice and data traffic as we grapple with various family
issues back in the UK in addition to receiving weather and all of the usual
traffic involved in keeping the administrative ship afloat. Cost is about
US$12 per megabyte (yes that is per megabyte!) and US$1.00 per minute for
The amount of data is kept strictly under control by the use of a
Redbox router from MailASail. This potentially links all devices on board
together and to an internet connection be it Wi-Fi, through a hard wired Wi-Fi
booster and antenna, a GSM dongle with local SIM card or BGAN via
Inmarsat. What is important is that the Redbox can be configured easily to
limit access to the Internet by device and type of connection. At sea this
has been vital in locking down the PC used for email so that there is no data
leakage; i.e. it is very difficult to stop a modern PC from trying to speak to
the internet and seek upgrade and updates, even if you think you have turned off
every automatic update function. The Redbox has proved 100% effective and
when combined with its inbuilt data compression working to MailASail’s email
server and its attachment capturing facilities, has kept our data bills under
control. Well you did ask!
Oh sailing, almost forgot. We have had to motor for half the day
through light head winds in order to keep heading east with the expectation of
at some stage in the next 48 hours being able to turn north as the North East
trade winds re-establish themselves. The almost full moon is rising at
dusk which is providing lovely night sailing, or motoring conditions.