Back into Malaysian waters to Kuah, Langkawi

Position 06:18.09 N 099:51.05 E Date 12.05 (UTC+8) Sunday 7 February 2016 Distance run 28.0nm over the ground We sort of stayed put for my birthday on the 6th. Our attempt to find an anchorage with a mobile phone signal on the west coast of Tarutoa failed. In the grey blustery conditions, the anchorages looked less than inviting and there was no signal. The world will have to wait for us to return. We ended up back in the shelter of the cliffs of Ko Panan and celebrated a deux. Sunday dawned and it was still blowing. The wind was blowing a steady25 to 30 knots as we crossed the channel and into the lee provided by the wets of Langkawi. The combination of gusting wind and the great variation in wind direction meant that we took the sails in and motored as there was a great danger of damaging something and at this stage that would not have been helpful. Not knowing whether the diesel pump at the convenient, to us, marina at Telaga had been fixed we motored into a head wind the 10 miles into Kuah Harbour and took a berth at the recently refurbished Royal Langkawi Yacht Club marina in Kuah. The refurbishment of the pontoons has recently been completed and the berths are both smart and of a sensible size, for us. What has not changed is the current that rips sideways on to the berths and the swell from high speed ferries which regularly arrive and depart from the nearby ferry jetty. To this you should add the fact that the gusting wind was swinging from side to side of the boat and at this stage the bow thruster decided only to work in one direction. As they say in the Air Force, a good landing is one that you can walk away from. Our landing was OK and no bruises. Clearing in was a doddle as all of the necessary offices are found in the ferry terminal. We ate in the Yacht Club Bar – slightly underwhelming but adequate. |