Leg 3 - Marquesas Day 2 - Not much doing and then joy unboun ded

Position 03:34.27S 094:28.16W Date 1200 (Central American Time) Tuesday 4 March 2014 Distance run - 157nm over the ground, 160nm through the water Distance (OG) covered from start 307nm Distance to destination (straight line) 2682nm Original distance to Marquesas (straight line) 2962nm The perceived wisdom looking at the weather files is to head south west to find consistent trade winds rather than head directly for the Marquesas so we spent most of the day motor sailing at 20 degrees to the wind in a generally south westerly direction rather than sailing in very light winds in an inappropriate direction. However at 0800 the wind unexpected went around into the south east and rose to 8 knots. Yippee!; sailable conditions again and much earlier than expected. And the current? “Sure t’is a miracle” - that became favourable as well. Joy unbounded and the remaining four hours of the day saw 27nm covered under sail. One upside of motor sailing with an easy sea is catering. The Mate took advantage and produced a very good chicken in a cream and avocado sauce, served with small backed potato slices. The chicken derived from a cooked chicken purchased in Peurto Ayora and was particularly tasty. |