Awei - installing water tanks
Position Awei Island Date Wednesday 22 July 2015 What would have taken me two to three days was achieved in a single long day with the condiderable input from Brian of Darramy both in ideas and had work. Installing guttering on a roof that was never planned to take it involved fastening blocks of wood to joists to support the gutter brackets. The wood was very hard and pilot holes were required even for nails Soffran, Martin and Brian with the completed job. The tanks were sited so that the overflow would fill the existing concrete cistern, repaired by Brian. The other end of the completed job Now all they require is rain Sherry and Elizabeth with the island ladies sharing out some clothes Whilst Brian, Soffran and I with the help of various daughters and sons assembled and installed the catchment system and tanks Elizabeth went by Dinghy from the Awei anchorage to the neighbouring island of Avokh with Sherry and Dennis Day from the USA and Ocean Cruising Club yacht Trillium. Sherry and Dennis have a boat loaded with aid items and food for the people of Avokh and were carrying out a reconnaissance for the next day when offloading their boat would start in earnest. This also allowed Elizabeth to do an upfront visit to scope out patients for attention. On their return they came over to the Awei village and brought food and clothes which were distributed to the ladies and very excited children. |