Southbound Day 7 - Port Jefferson to Port Washington

Position 40:49.71N
073:42.96W Date Monday
10 September 2012 Well, we certainly woke up with full batteries as the wind generators
sang sweetly all night in 20 knots plus. With the prospect of a
boisterous days sail we prepared to up anchor at 1130 but then decided to
postpone and drink our coffee as looking at the AIS we saw an inbound
ferry. The harbour entrance is somewhat restricted, the ferry ploughs
along at 14 knots and with the prospects of a lively sea between the
breakwaters coffee was the better option. 1145 and it all looked safe for the off. The Gods however decided
to have a laugh at our expense. As we headed out through the entrance
with 25 knots of wind on the nose and incoming waves the tug pushing a fuel
barge down the Sound suddenly turned through 90 degrees and announced on the
VHF that it was incoming to Port Jefferson and required the whole of the
channel. At this stage there might in better conditions have been the
option of turning around and going back to allow it to pass. However
given the wind and the sea running this could have been hazardous in itself and
the safer action was to carry on using full power and take the leeward side of
the barge so that we could turn west out of the channel at the earliest
possible time. This all worked well and we were well clear of the tug and
barge when we passed The wind mostly blew at 20 knots with frequent gusts to 25 for the
whole of the passage but free enough to allow us to sail with well reefed
everything at a steady 7 to 8 knots. We were not however finished with other shipping as we encountered the
NOAA survey ship ‘Thomas Jefferson doing 180 degree runs across our
path. In this instance they were kind enough to say that they would miss
us! It is 36 nm from Port
Jefferson to Port Washington and the later part of the trip we were treated to
our first sight of Although in the gloom of the day it had more the appearance of The Pilot was its usual not very helpful self about moorings so we
anchored outside the mooring field in 4 metres, unusually shallow given our
recent experience. The wind was still blowing at 20 knots. Our
enclosed cockpit makes for a very different sailing experience and we look
forward to the hard top replacement for the present canvas that is to be made
during our lay up in Little Creek Norfolk. More |