Break out of Gloucester to Provincetown

Position 42:02.53N 070:10.77W Date 1720 Friday 5 July 2013 Days Run- 47.6nm – 46nm over the ground in 6 hours The day looked good for our breakout to Provincetown. Despite misgivings our anchor came up without fouling and we were alongside the fuel jetty at Brown’s Yacht Yard at 0750 filling with water and waiting for the yard to open to fill with diesel. All admin being completed we slipped at 0920, 800 litres of water took a long time. The sun shone, the wind blew from a sailable direction something had to change. Well it of course did and after three hours the wind first went light and then headed us completely before strengthening gradually so that by the time we rounded Cape Race, the very tip of the hook at the end of the Cape Cod peninsula, it was blowing a steady 25kts. Rounding the Cape did allow us to sail the last 3 miles into Provincetown Harbour. Given the strength of the wind we were able to secure the last available larger yacht mooring which gave us the security of a service launch to get ashore from what was a very bouncy anchorage. Elizabeth and Andrew went ashore whilst I stayed on board to keep an eye on things. Oops, I forgot to tell Andrew that Provincetown has some interesting attractions. This is a picture from two years ago, but you get the general idea – this chap is advertising his one man transvestite show |