42:07.24N 8:50.24W 20-27 August back to Bayona with Sally and Mark

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Fri 27 Aug 2010 22:59

On Friday 20 August my sister Sally, Mark her husband and offspring Robbie and Isla arrived at Portosin having travelled by ferry to Santander and hire car to Noia the day before.  It was really great to have family on board.



A week was spent re-visiting places found previously and finding new ones en-route back to Bayona.  The weather was mostly kind and some excellent beach days were spent at San Fransisco, Isla Ons and Ria de Aldan.  The new inflatable canoe saw action as did the ancient supermarket canoe purchased as a beach toy for Andrew and Alice some 15 years ago.



Just to make sure that our guests did not go away thinking that all is sunshine we awoke in Riviera to wind, rain, poor visibility and a lee shore anchorage.  A rather wet and windy short sail to Villagarcia and the marina sorted that one out and the troops disappeared off into the town to recover.


We arrived back in Bayona for a night in the Yacht Club marina and a farewell dinner ashore at the club.  We had all had a very jolly and companionable week.



Departure was by bus for an afternoon sight seeing in Santiago de Compostela before flying out the following day. 


The boat seemed very quiet and empty as we set too to take advantage of the marina electricity and water.