Norfolk to Fort Lauderdale Day 6 - Good food and great progress

Date 2359 Wednesday 8 February 2012 Shortly after midnight and with the change of waypoint for With the destination within good planning range catering hit a real
high as Greta was able to release the reserve rations, or fridge clearance as
she put it. MacMuffins for breakfast (bacon and egg on English muffins) and a
great spread of sandwiches for lunch. Note the swirly deli bread; I definitely
have not found the recipe for that in the Panasonic read machine book. Evening meal was a pasta base with a variety of delicious ingredients
in the sauce all washed down with a small glass of red. Meanwhile back on the sailing front we are still carrying the inshore
reverse current and making good progress under genoa and mizzen with the wind
varying from a dead run to a broad reach and at times a good sized following
sea. Great sailing! With three of us keeping night watches, Greta keeping us company in
between sterling service in the galley, a well sheltered cockpit, the enclosure
keeping out the draughts and the wind consistently aft the beam the distance
has slipped by very pleasantly and we look forward to a daylight arrival in
Fort Lauderdale on Thursday. |