Leave the aircraft carrier to port and then down the ICW

Date 1300
Monday 26 September 2011 Joy, it is Monday, they have fixed the bridge and we have a booking for
an opening at 1100. At 0900 we slipped, all systems working and with Gary and Greta as
joint pilot. It was then off up the and under the first bridge. The The A quick VHF call to announce our presence and down went the road
barriers and the M25 ‘look a like’ ground to a halt and quickly
backed up as far as the eye can see; it almost made our delayed passage
worthwhile. Work must have been ongoing as there was a whole troop of chaps
in yellow reflectives and hard hats there to watch our stately progress. The keeper of the next bridge, Dominion Highway, redeemed our
impression of the office of Bridge Keeper by not only being charming but
delaying the hourly opening by 5 minutes to allow us to get there and pass
through. It was hard luck to the motor boats that we had followed through
Gilmerton and had been able to pass the High Rise without waiting for it to
open. The final challenge was the Our pilots seemed relaxed about the whole affair whilst we waited for
the lock to empty. The AYB were ready to receive us and guide us ‘round the
back’ and into our winter berth where were all secure by 1300. |