ARC Day 5 - Reach for the Cape Verde's

Position 20:28.03N 021:45.58W Date 2359 UTC Thursday 25 November 2010 What price north east trades? The day started with light winds from
the The 1400 radio schedule provided some useful opinions from those who
are familiar with this route and as a result I have plotted a waypoint 50nm to
the North West point of the I tried bread making this afternoon. I would like to be able to report
a success but that was not the case and I am not sure what went wrong. It may
have been the fact that just as I started the wind picked up and bread does not
like being bounced around. Suffice it to say that if any ARC yacht reports hitting
a semi-submerged object it may well be my LOB (Loaf over board). Catering is following the ripening of fruit and veg. We currently are
facing a glut of ripening avocados. Lunch was therefore very pleasant crab and
avocado tortilla wraps with salad. Our bananas are sitting there looking
smugly green and refusing to play, no doubt waiting to make a full frontal
yellow attack when we least expect it. Dinner was an excellent chicken korma
curry complete with freshly cooked pappadums. The moon by the natural progression of things is rising later each day
so up to midnight we are plunging along into darkness. We can see the lights
of at least five other yachts, they being easier to see in the dark than during
daylight as most yachts now carry their sailing navigation lights at the mast
head. Just after midnight we overhauled one of the lights and passed some 200m
away without knowing who they were; real “Ships that pass in the
night”. It definitely helps break any monotony during a night watch. |