42:07.36N 8:50.75W Tuesday 10 August 2010 Bayona, Spain

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Tue 10 Aug 2010 17:22

Bit if a gap in the posting of the web diary.


We spent Saturday at anchor at San Vicente del Mar which was not entirely idle as we launched the dinghy in anger for the first time.  Everything worked well and we have proved that we can safely hoist the dinghy with the outboard in place which is so very important for overnight security especially when we get to the Caribbean and beyond.  We actually went ashore for the first time since La Coruna, had lunch in the local yacht club and bought a loaf of bread – what counts for excitement!


On Sunday we had a leisurely sail anchoring for lunch off a beach on Iles Cies and then on to arrive at the Monte Real Club de Yates in Bayona.  A rather splendid setting under the walls of the old fortifications.


Yesterday was spent in emptying out both chain lockers to sort out tangles and then swapping over the anchors to try our new Spade anchor as the main anchor; a heavy, hot and very dirty job.  Having finished that the boat was washed down and we feel a lot better for having removed the salt of the last week.


We have now joined up with the Ocean Cruising Club Rally.  We feel very much the junior members and have been made most welcome.  It is an international gathering with boats from the UK, Ireland, the USA, Germany and Spain.  The Rally is designed to show us both great places to sail and also to visit ashore.  Being hosted and guided  by Alfredo Lagos, the retired owner of one of Vigo’s main boatyards and the OCC and RCC port officer for Vigo, we are I am sure in for some real treats.


This morning the Rally started off with a coach trip along the coast to visit a hilltop view point looking over the River Timbres, the border between Spain and Portugal and to observe the bar and shifting sands.  The unanimous verdict was that it was not an estuary to visit – it made the Deben Bar seem very inviting.  On then to a the site of a Celtic Village,  a XII century Church which at one time was home to warrior monks tasked with protecting Bayona’s southern flank and then into the mountains to see the wild horses.  On the descent we discovered what a mirador is (a view) and were given the most wonderful view up the coast over the Rias and Islands as far Cabo Finisterre some 60 miles away.  This was a great trip out to see a little more of Galicia.


We, i.e. Elizabeth, are now putting ourselves together for the first party of the Rally – Cocktails and Dinner at the home of Alfredo Lagos.  More of this next time.  Tomorrow we sail for the Islas Cies and an overnight anchorage.