Cascais, Lisbon

Where does the time go. On arrival we met up again with Kaj Liljebladh
and his Amel 54 “Amelit”. Bearing in mind our experiences with Kaj
in Bayona we were wary about an invitation to go ashore to eat; however this
time food did feature and we had a very pleasant evening, and good meal, with
Kaj and his crew We next had a visit from Ian and Judy Jenkins from the Amel Super
Maramu 2000 “Pen Azen” who are on their way south to winter near We have also taken our cycles ashore in the dinghy and managed to get a
few miles in along the sea front; to the west there is a well laid out cycle
track which we followed some 6 miles until it headed off into the hills.
Discretion kicking in, we stopped for refreshments in a beach bar and then
headed back. |