ARC Day 10 - The odd trial and tribulation

Position 14:05.90N 30:42.90W Date 2359 UTC Tuesday 30 November 2010 Is this a ridge or a trough; I am not sure but I know that whatever it
is it does not contain wind. Motor south for the trades was the forlorn cry,
remembering that our diesel is finite. The possibility of some wind during the
night encouraged the unfurling and furling of the The first stage of recovery was to unfurl and drop the genoa to the
deck and involved the Skipper, Mate and a great deal of heavy sail on the
foredeck; we are both developing good upper body muscles. Unfortunately at
this stage I did not realise the function of the arms that we had lost and we
had not got any spares anyway. This resulted in a second halyard parting at
the top of the mast. Fortunately I then found one of the arms on the deck.
Having now only one halyard left that could be used to hoist a foresail we
secured the genoa to the deck and requested advice from Amel –the wonders
of a satphone. They explained that the furler would not work without the arms
in place as it would otherwise cut through the halyards; we had already
adequately demonstrated that! They suggested securing the genoa to the top of
the mast by sending someone up with it. This was not really practical so I set
about working out how to utilise the existing arm as a pattern to manufacture a
second arm from materials on board. Providentially we had some stainless steel
bar of the correct diameter leftover from fitting security grills and with the
aid of an angle grinder I was able to fabricate something that I hope will get
us to Meanwhile in between winding up genoas, the Mate is not tall enough to
reach the genoa track so has to do the winching, securing sails and acting as a
very good No2 on the toolkit Elizabeth found time to do some more baking; here
she is demonstrating her wares. Banana cake, thank you Elspeth for the
Bananarama recipe, and the wedge shaped fruit cake from yesterday. Catering notes – Salmon and avocado salad for lunch, the last of
our very ripe avocados, and boeuf bourgionne for dinner. |