42:16.79N 8:49.70W Thursday 12 August 2010 Aldan, Spain

The original idea was to sail the 1 nm across to the Isla del Faro, the
more northern of the Islas Cies, re-anchor and take a walk across the island to
the Atlantic side. A somewhat robust weather forecast persuaded the majority
of the fleet to head straight for the next overnight anchorage at By the evening it was bloing quite hard and the dinghy ride to shore
saw some rather wet sailors. A supper of tapas where Pulpo (Octopus) majored
was provided in the gardens of the Pazo Torre de Aldan. This building was started in the XII century as a Fort against Viking and Arab pirates. The owner, Fuencisla Roca
de Togores kindly put at our disposal the outside of the Pazo, the ground
floor, and the garden. The evening finished with a flaming local speciality, it helped
insulate against the even wetter journey back to the boat. |