43:25.25N 8:11.82W Monday 2 August 2010 Redes, Ria de Ares, Spain

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Mon 2 Aug 2010 18:52

I am not sure where Sunday morning went. Whatever, the result was that we were just finishing a leisurely lunch in the cockpit at 15:00 when Hose, our friend from the yacht club introduction yesterday, came by and asked if we would like to have a sail in his boat Pelocon, a Dehler 31 that he regularly races.  He wished to show us some of the sights around La Coruna; back by 20:00.


Well, we were treated to a great sail in a very responsive boat – with a tiller that I was allowed use, and saw some wonderful coastline up into the Ria de Ares.  We returned by  20:30 and by 21:00 were back in the Club saying thank you to Hose in the only way that we could offer – quad G&T’s.  We had a wonderful afternoon and have been overwhelmed by his generous hospitality.


Following from our trip on Sunday we decided to leave La Coruna a day earlier than intended and send a night in one of the Rias that we had been shown.  We couldn’t leave without a shop so onto the bikes for an “interesting” cycle to Corte Ingles a Spanish John  Lewis with Harrods overtones.  We are both getting rather good at piloting over laden bicycles; with panniers and rucksacks we can carry a remarkable amount of shopping.


Returning to the boat we dropped off the frozen goods and managed to fit in a late lunch of calamari and sardines before leaving at 17:20 for a very pleasant 12 mile sail to Redes in the Ria de Ares, where we are now anchored, 19:30 in glorious sunshine.


Dinner beckons with some of the plunder from the morning shop.