Day 16 with Alice and Stuart - Return to Musket Cove and a d ock

Position 017:46.29S 177:11.62E Date 1550 Wednesday 23 July 2014 Distance run from Navadra 24nm – 24nm through the water – 4hrs20mins underway We did not leave Navadra until 1130 which gave time for the troops to have another snorkel. Having had no wind for two weeks there now was wind and there are no prizes for guessing in which direction it was coming – on the nose. The route was 24 interesting miles as it cut across what on the chart was solid reef, there was a250 metre wide 30 metre deep passage, and then inside the reef protecting the west side of the Malolo Group. This chart shows our route from Dwaraqa to Navadra and then on to Musket Cove. In Musket Cove we were able to get a stern to berth at the dock which allowed easy access to the bars and restaurants and provided a great way of relaxing ashore and for Alice and Stuart to fit in a proper lead dive to finish off their holiday in good style. View looking the other way down the dock from shore and to the entrance channel Alice had the camera so no photographs of her |