Ao Pante at the north of Ko Tarutoa

Position 06:41.92 N 099:38.39 E Date 16:50 (UTC+7) Wednesday 3 February 2016 Distance run 44.5nm over the ground Ko Tarutoa is one of the most southerly islands on the west coast of Thailand and at its closest is just 5nm from the island of Langkawi in Malaysia. Following an excellent sail, we fetched up and took a mooring at the northern end at Ao Pante. There appears to be a small resort and a Ranger Station at the entrance to the river and a regular stream of fast motor boat ferries coming and going. On Thursday we took the dinghy up the river some 3 km to visit the local tourist attraction of the “Crocodile Cave”. From our point of view, it was comforting to know that crocodiles are past tense. The entrance to the river at Ao Pante on a grey day. Dinghy only and leave the beacon to port We felt that the trip up the river was the best part of the excursion There were some good rock formations hanging about |