Out of Gibraltar to Cape Espartel
Position 35:47.11N 006:00.88W Date 1200 UTC Saturday 23 October 2010 Well we finally broke free from The account of our stay in The timing of departure, and in fact the day, are all to do with
tackling the Straits, get it wrong and you go backwards! This morning was good
for whilst we had little wind it was from the east and we had a mainly
favourable current, at times getting up to 2 knots. We stuck to the northern side of the Straits Traffic Separation Zone
which at one time definitely had a rush hour air about it. Having passed
Tarifa and the end of the zone we were able to head south east and miraculously
we found a clear path through the traffic with minimal excitement. We have just rounded We celebrated with lunch of Morrisons cut ham and excellent cheese
rolls. With |