Biscay Triangle Leg 2 Day 3 - 0800

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Thu 31 Jul 2008 08:00
mizzen staysail and mizzen giving us steady progress of 6 to 7 knots per
hour during the day mostly under bright sunshine; a very pleasant day. We
kept our course to the north of the rhumb line and whilst we suffered a
couple of hours of light winds during the early night we avoided the lighter
airs found by yachts on the rhumb line.
Having tracked it for some hours on radar, dawn saw a yacht 2 miles on our
port beam carrying a cruising spinnaker. This turned out to be Zigzag and
hopefully we achieved some good photographs of each other before the wind
backed to the south east and we both had to change rigs to allow more close
winded sailing.
O800 at the beginning of day 3 saw us 84 miles from our waypoint off the
island of Hoedic which will give us a middle of the night approach to the
anchorage of Houat.