Position 17:17.54N
Date 2000
– 3 April 2011
Before we started Rob from Let it Be helped us give the salt water
inlet a good clear out both from inside and outside. Considerable
barnacle and mussel growth was cleared out. I definitely think that we
are on the right track at last.
St Kitts and Nevis
are officially the same country however neither part of this alliance would
claim to be the same, Nevis having
considerable autonomy. Theory said that we should possibly have cleared
out from Nevis but given our previous experience with the Nevis
authority we took the risk and decided to arrive in St Kitts and then clear out
from there.
It was just 9nm from Oualie Bay to Basseterre.
The swell in the bay at Basseterre
is such that you would require to be a hardy soul to anchor overnight and with
the wind blowing the usual 25 knots we edged into the small Porte Zante
Marina. A cruise ship’s tenders were using some of the best berths
for discharging and retrieving their “guests” and we were allocated
a stern to berth between two mooring posts, what in the Baltic used to be
called a “pig pen”. Four people on board definitely
make this form of berthing easier than with two.
It being Sunday, the town was very quiet. A walk around however
was rewarded by getting a feel for the place without the benefit of 3,000
passengers from cruise ships. There are many old buildings from the early
colonial period. This was the main harbour office, now a museum.
And this, a typical street scene:
Independence Square,
with the Catholic Cathedral overlooking it, is a poignant reminder of the past,
being the site of the slave market.