St Peter Port to Alderney

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Thu 7 Aug 2008 07:54
An excellent day, Wednesday, was spent on Guernsey being very generously
entertained by our old friend Eric Le Quesne. Eric and I both served
together in Royal Signals but have also in the 1970's sailed together. Eric
was my mate on one of my early proper passages as skipper from Cyprus to

Departing at 09:00 with the north going tide we had a rapid trip to Alderney
via way of the Little Russel and, most excitingly, the Swinge to Alderney.
Maximum tidal flow in the Swinge peaked at 5 kts. The overfalls where the
tidal flow through the Swing meets the tidal flow coming round the north of
the Casquets appeared as a line of broken water, remarkably like a reef. An
interesting experience but a good way of avoiding the adverse tidal flow
that would have been encountered had we used the Alderney Race.

The afternoon was spent cycling around the island. A beautiful and peaceful
afternoon in bright sunshine.