Richards Bay to Cape Town Day 4 - Sitting out the south westerly

Date Monday 28 November 2016 (There has been a long delay in getting these entries posted – apologies but we have been rather busy) It was definitely a southerly buster that we sat out today. About 0530, and daylight the wind went around and started to blow 30 to 40 knots. By 0600 half of the boats at anchor were dragging on their new 180 degree round heading, ourselves included. Looking at the anchor and chain as it came up the bottom is very soft mud mixed with a hard, scoured bottom from the river current. We reset the anchor without too much trouble. Wishanger and Paradise Found had made contact with a fish restaurant ashore and the owner produced a 4x4 and diesel bowser to enable us to take on fuel. This was not without it complications as by the afternoon the wind was still blowing at 30 knots onto the dock. Once again, Wishanger and Paradise Found were to the rescue using their two bigger RIBS and strong crew to help boats off the dock against the wind. In the late afternoon, we all repaired to said fish restaurant which stayed open especially for us – excellent fish and chips. Then it was back to the boat ready for a prompt start on the morrow. Taken the following morning when the wind had dropped off. Looking west up through the mooring field to the bridges. The fish restaurant is under the two bridges on the starboard side and the dock used for refuelling is also on the starboard side viewed between the genoa sheet and the staysail |