Annapolis to Gloucester Day 6 - Cape Cod Canal in the dark and then to Gloucester

Position 42:33.91N 070:40.60W Date 1235 Saturday 22 June 2013 Days Run- 74.8nm – 74nm over the ground Total Run 454.4nm – 466nm over the ground Well, we did arrive at the entrance to the Cape Cod Canal at 2 o’clock in the morning and just as the tide was going slack before flushing us through. The approach to the canal was a little bumpy as we had the wind behind us and the last of the ebb against us which at the top of Buzzards Bay produces an “interesting” confused sea. We were also passed going in the other direction, by 2 tugs towing very large barges and we were particularly pleased that we did not meet them in the canal. The approach to the canal is well lit by buoys and the canal itself has street lighting down each side. Nevertheless in the dark it seems a lot narrower than it actually is and we steered a very cautious course straight down the middle. Popping out of the eastern end of the canal at 0340 we were able to set sail on a gentle reach until the wind dropped some 8nm from Gloucester where on arrival we anchored at 1235 in the familiar Federal Anchorage in the centre of the harbour. The parcel from Digital Yacht in the UK containing a replacement Wi-Fi amplifier and a new low-power wireless router had arrived and we collected them from the harbour master’s office. Our original intention was to go ashore and eat to celebrate our arrival but a certain amount of fatigue kicked that idea into the long grass in favour of a simple meal on board and a good night’s uninterrupted sleep. |