Leg 3 - Marquesas Day 3 - Wind glorious wind, and current

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Wed 5 Mar 2014 21:49

Position           04:22.43S 097:33.37W

Date                1200 (Central American Time) Wednesday 5 March 2014


Distance run - 190nm over the ground, 163nm through the water

                        Distance (OG) covered from start 497nm

                        Distance to destination 2490nm

                        Original distance to Marquesas (straight line) 2962nm


Well the wind at noon yesterday continued for 24 hours going broader for a period but then returning to give an apparent angle of 60 to 79 degrees at about 12 knots.  Add a current that varied from 1 to 1.5 knots and you see a good days run.  All of this with an easy sea.


For a time the only boats still showing on the AIS were Flomaida (Amel 54) and Festina Lente (Amel Super Maramu 2000) but by noon Flomaida had disappeared ahead and to the north and Festina Lente was at the limit for reception slightly behind and to the south of our position so we appear to be on our own.  It is interesting to reflect for this long passage of the 40 boats taking part there are only 4 that are sailing double handed and of those 3 are Amels.  The other Amel, Tulasi (Amel 64), having three on board.


There is not much to add.  Lunch was more of the pre-cooked chicken with an avocado salad and dinner a curry made with the perennial chicken.


And to finish an image from this morning.


A benefit of the dawn watch