Decca Channel to Green Cay - we have the world to ourselves
Date Wednesday 11 April 2012 and Thursday 12 April 2012 The chart may help give an idea where we are and our route passed the
Decca Towers, disused but still good markers for a route that carries at least
4 metres at low water across to Green Cay which lies on the east side of the
Tongue of the Ocean, the chart also shows precisely how the Tongue got its’
name. The trip was 48 miles in light airs mostly from aft the beam. For the
first time since its repair in The Mate decided to take a deck chair to the aft sun deck and work on
her Diamond Jubilee Kneeler. Not much chance of slipping overboard today. We did see one very fast speed boat which headed off south from the west
Decca tower. The only thing that way, other than Green Cay which it passed well
to the east, is So after a very gently day we arrived at Green Cay and found it completely
deserted. It is the first time that we have had the world entirely to
ourselves since Cows Yard in Thursday brought very little wind and at times complete calm so there
was no guilty feeling about doing anything else than having a look at Green Cay
from the dinghy, the odd swim and generally keep out of the sun during the middle
of the day. So here we sit in our own personal azure sea, until tomorrow, assuming
that there is enough wind to sail. |