The journey north has started - Back to Big Major Spot

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Tue 10 Apr 2012 13:46

Position           24:10.99N 076:27.58W

Date                Monday 9 April 2012


Not the most momentous or arduous journey, all of 9 miles back to Big Major Spot.  It is however a significant stage as we start our journey back north to be in the Chesapeake in early May.  It is easy to forget that it is the best part of 1,000nm.


Before we set off I downloaded emails and had one from Bruce and Gina on Dream Catcher.  They were the couple who were so helpful to us when we arrived at Morgan’s Bluff.  The sales pitch obviously worked as they wanted sponsoring to join the Ocean Cruising Club.  Curious how things work out, replying was easy as the previous afternoon they had arrived at Black Point and anchored 100 metres away from us.  Our paths did not cross yesterday but this morning we were able to meet up and strike whilst the iron was hot with a ready signed membership application form.  The OCC delivers!  We also received some more of Gina’s excellent home baking, chocolate gooey cake.


So it was a short sail back to Big Majors Spot and join the fleet of anchored sailing boats and large motor yachts.  The huge motor yacht ‘Pipe Dream’ had no less than 5 jet skis moored to its stern but fortunately the kiddies onboard were obviously away sampling the carnal delights of the Staniel Cay Yacht Club and were either too busy or too spaced out to cause a disturbance.


Despite being busy it is a delightful spot with the added pursuit of watching visitors meeting the pigs; remember them?



We even had the entertainment of two groups arriving by sea plane.  There is a bad joke somewhere in there about pigs flying but I will leave that to you, dear readers, to make up your own.


Food spot – Marvellous barbequed rib from Penn Dutch in Fort Lauderdale, followed by Gina’s chocolate cake and washed down with some Australian fizz and a half bottle of Spanish Rioja both excavated from the ‘Cave’.  Well it was a bank holiday.  The Mate informs me that today will be a day of atonement, back to Diet Coke.