Northbound Day 4 - Gloucester, in a shower (monsoon) of rain

1515 Wednesday 18 July 2012 A 0600 start meant that we missed seeing Toby Baker the port officer
for Wings Neck, but we did make a favourable tide through the Out of the canal and it was motor sailing yet again. This time it
was to try and get into With a days run of 66nm to do we pressed on until about one hour out of
Gloucester the sky darkened and we were treated to the grand daddy of
thunderstorms with a warning a a tornado. Despite the regular forecast
warning hereabouts of seeking shelter we decided it was prudent to mill about a
bit whilst the storm passed. Unlike our previous experience with these
storms, this time there was no wind tornado or otherwise; we did have all of
our sails furled just in case however. Visibility, under 100 metres. It was still raining heavily as we entered The Mate made an executive decision, order?, and we ate ashore at the
Cape Anne Brewery. Their marinated steak tips are excellent and good
value and the beer just has to be sampled. We now look forward to a few days of catch up. The genoa requires
to go to the sail maker as it has UV damage to the leach, an engine oil change
is due (Oh great joy, my favourite!) and it is about time that the winches were
stripped down and cleaned. Just to show those tender readers that we are
actually gainfully occupied keeping the ship afloat and not just lolling around
eating, drinking and making merry. If anyone out there knows of the safe place that we have put the Maine
Pilot book we would be grateful. It is refusing to appear. How on a
relatively small boat can you just loose something? The only way that I
know that is an infallible method of finding it is to purchase a
replacement. Anyone want a second hand Maine Pilot? |