Langkawi to Uligan Day 1 - A good windy start on a low wind forecast Map

Position 06:14.02 N 096:47.01 E Date 1200 (UTC+7) Monday 22 February 2016 Distance run in 23hrs 55mins 145nm over the ground, 175nm through the water Trip total 145nm over the ground, 175nm through the water To go to Kupang Indonesia 1,431nm – 1,605 total route distance Changing time zone from the somewhat illogical Kula Lumpur of UTC+8 back to the more logical Bangkok time of UTC+7 meant that we actually got away within 5 minutes of our target of noon. We will be maintaining UTC+7 for the passage. In amongst the final packing away of bicycles, essential for getting around the island, and other items we even found time for a swim and our first ad list breakfast in the hotel restaurant. The sun awning had been stowed the day before so that only left the marina bill pay and we departed in good order. Flomaida, Dagmar and Christoph Hartung, with whom we are sailing in company left an hour earlier as they had to call into Telaga to take on diesel. The forecast for the first 24 hours showed light winds but in the event we had steady 15 to 20 knot winds from about 120-150 starboard and with the main, mizzen and poled out genoa we made very good progress helped greatly by the strong and favourable current. Monday morning showed that we were definitely crossing the top end of the Malacca Straits as more and more ships appeared, crossing our path. This ship, Cardinal, painted appropriately in Cardinal Red kindly altered course to port, as did we so that we could pass starboard to starboard. We otherwise would have passed a little too close for comfort. AIS (Automatic Identification System) shows both ships and ourselves the targets name, call sign, course and speed. It also computes the incoming hostiles course and shows the closest point of approach (CPA) and the time of the CPA (TCPA). This is going to be a vital resource as we round the tipoff Indonesia to the north of Aceh. |