Position 12:00.36N
Date 1600 - 6 January 2011
(All times in this entry refer to local time, UTC -4 unless stated as

The Prickly Bay
After four days in Prickly Bay where we took advantage of the good bus
and taxi services to re-provision from the supermarkets and wine shops at Grand
Anse we moved to Woburn Bay, three inlets to the north east. Prickly Bay
has a reputation of being prone to swell and over the days that we were there
the nights became very rolly. We also wished to be able to get alongside to
receive our friends George and Janet Florence who arrive on the 8th and Clarkes
Court Bay Marina looked like an ideal spot for this.
A note on the buses in Grenada,
they are mini-buses and ply competitively. As a potential passenger it is a
real spectator sport as the crews vie for you custom. They also drive at a
furious rate in order to get to the next passengers before their rivals. Lastly
they are inexpensive and the standard fare appears to be EC$2.50, about 63p.