Ascension Island to the Azores Day 7 – In the doldrums

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Sun 26 Feb 2017 06:15
02:31.19 N 024:19.89 W
2359 (UTC) Saturday 25 February 2017
run in
24hrs 134nm over the ground, 126nm through the water
total 887nm
over the ground, 825nm through the water
Distance to go
Planned distance Ascension to the Azores west
around the high 3,666nm
(Yesterday's Passage total should have read 753nm to go and not
We managed one hour of sailing at a reasonable speed and half an hour
limping along at 2 knots before we recognised that we had not broken out of the
ITCZ and put the engine back on. For the remainder of the day it was a
diet of incessant drizzle and rain indispersed with thunder, lightening and
tropical downpours. At least, the rain was warm on the rare occasions that
I had to go out in it. There appeared to be three different swell patterns
running which produced a very random chop that bounced the boat about. It
was with great relief that at about 1900 the rain cleared but with a very
overcast sky dusk fell early. Towards midnight the wind started to
fill in from the NNE and it looked as if sailing was a definite
possibility. The cockpit furnishings are decidedly damp. We hope
tomorrow provides some sunshine to properly dry things out. Despite the
damp the hard top and side panels provide great protection from the rain and the
order of dress remains "beach dress". Elizabeth raided her freezer
supplies for dinner - 1 of 17 - boeuf stroganoff.