Leg 2 - Galapagos Day 2 - Water, water everywhere and no w ind

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Wed 12 Feb 2014 00:07

Position           05:32.19N 082:07.77W

Date                1200 (EDT) Monday 10 February 2014


175nm SW of Punta Mala, Republic of Panama

Days distance run - 153nm over the ground, 157.4 through the water


Looking at the daily position report for the fleet, taken at 0004 UTC daily and emailed to us, it appears that they either have different wind from us or are motoring hard; or of course a combination of the two.


The wind dropped at 0300 and we have no seen more than3 knots since.  Most of the time it is 0 to 1 knots and the sea has a glass like appearance, which makes spotting flying fish easier as they craze the surface.


I listened in on the SSB radio to the 1800 schedule and whilst I could just about make out some transmissions it was essentially unworkable.  I will try the 0900 schedule tomorrow when there may be more boats up on the net.


Dinner was a very good Chilli, from the freezer.